Monitoring and evaluation process assessment

This self assessment exercise can be used to identify what your group is doing well and any areas for improvement in relation to monitoring and evaluation processes.




Understanding Baseline Standards

A tool that offers an explanation and checkist to understand whether your organisation meets Bristol City Council's 12 baseline standards.

Learn about the benefits of online fundraising with Localgiving and how its West of England regional development programme can help your organisation.

The event will also provide the opportunity for you to meet other charities and community groups facing similar funding issues and take away practical online fundraising solutions you can implement yourself.

Thursday, 20 July, 2017 - 10:00 to 13:00

Are you a charity, social enterprise or organisation that would like to know more about social investment, meet social investors and hear from other organisations that have used social investment to sustain or grow their organisation?

Thursday, 14 September, 2017 - 10:00 to 13:00

Most major funders report that bids fail for simple, basic reasons. The project was ineligible, a question wasn’t answered, the budget didn’t add up, a document wasn’t provided, the bid arrived after the deadline. Most of these problems can be overcome if you plan ahead, and the checklist will help you to do this.

This briefing session is for Bristol community organisations and small businesses. It will include an update on the implementation of Bristol City Council’s Social Value Policy in its first year and what the policy has delivered to date. Participants will find out more about how the council asks bidders to offer social value in tenders and provide the opportunity to discuss their approaches to social value.

Tuesday, 31 October, 2017 - 10:00 to 12:00


Are you a charity, social enterprise or organisation that would like to know more about social investment, meet social investors and hear from other organisations that have used social investment to sustain or grow their organisation?

Thursday, 18 May, 2017 - 10:00 to 13:00

Having a good funding strategy saves a lot of time and effort, and makes it more likely that you’ll bring in the resources you need. This framework can be used as a separate Funding Strategy, or incorporated into your Business Plan.

The length of your Fundraising Strategy is dependent on how complex your financial needs are. For a small group, a good strategy can be written on one side of A4.

Although you have a great Social Enterprise idea, you won’t get funding for ideas alone. This link takes you to a concise and useful summary of what you need to do to build an investable product: Turning your vision into an investable proposition.


Losing vital funding that leaves the survival of your group in doubt is a difficult and stressful situation for you, your Board or Committee, your Staff and volunteers, and the people you support. This information sheet can’t cover everything but will give you somewhere to start.


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