A Quiet Crisis: Changes in local government spending on disadvantage is a report from Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales. It is about the services which English local authorities provide to support people facing disadvantage.


NCVO has published a new factsheet aimed at preparing voluntary sector organisations for Brexit.

It sets out the main Brexit considerations for UK voluntary organisations as well as practical steps you can take to prepare for the post-Brexit environment, including:

- Economic impact

- Employing EU nationals

- EU Funding

- The opportunities ahead

There are funders out there who want to support you to develop new income streams and become more sustainable. This briefing will look at where and how you can attract grant funding to help you make those changes that will ensure sustainability, what you can ask for and how to make the best possible case.

Wednesday, 12 September, 2018 - 12:00 to 14:00

As funding from charitable and statutory sources gets harder to access we all need to think about other income sources out there that could help secure our services for the future. As usual, “Fund It” will give you access to up-to-date information from major charitable trusts but this year we’ll also be looking at other options. So come along to find out how other charitable organisations are diversifying their income, get top tips for future income generation and find out how to access new income streams effectively.

Join us to:

Wednesday, 7 November, 2018 - 10:00 to 16:00

Tackling larger and more complex funding bids can be a daunting prospect, but with a little forward planning and a few “tricks of the trade” you can ease the stress and increase your chance of success. This workshop is for anyone who’d like to improve their bidwriting skills, and/or who is looking to tackle larger, more complex applications.

We’ll look at;

Tuesday, 10 July, 2018 - 10:00 to 13:00


This workshop is a chance to think about how to make the best case you can to be shortlisted for the Pitch your Project event on the evening of Thursday 5 July 2018. We'll look at the application process, how to put your project across well and what you'll need to do if you are successful.

Wednesday, 9 May, 2018 - 10:00 to 12:00

Writing successful funding bids isn’t about being good at spelling, it’s about being good at telling a clear and compelling story. There are lots of simple ways you can help this happen, and get organised to deal with bidwriting stress! This workshop is for anyone who is new to writing funding bids, or who would like an update or refresher for skills they haven’t used in a while.

We’ll concentrate on looking at smaller, less complex bids. The workshop will cover;

Thursday, 10 May, 2018 - 10:00 to 13:00


As well as the specific costs of running a project, you need to make sure that the everyday costs that keep your project going are also covered in your fundraising budget. This guide from “Big Lottery” shows you how to calculate accurate and reasonable costs.


What's the right impact measurement tool for you?


Measuring the impact of our work is not always easy but it can help us make an even bigger difference to the communities we work for, and put us in a stronger position when applying for future funding or promoting our services to new clients and partners.


A guide to planning the targets you will achieve through your project and how you will monitor and evaluate. Particularly useful when you are planning an application.


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