Community Clean Up fund Bristol City Council
13 May, 2019


Bristol City Council has launched an £80,000 fund for communities to clean up their high streets and local areas. Funding can be spent on equipment for litter picking and cleaning, training on how to remove graffiti, and to finance local events which will get people involved in cleaning up their community. There is a list of shopping areas eligible for the fund; these include Bedminster, Fishponds and Gloucester Road.

Fundraising reports launched
9 May, 2019


Two major charity reports have given a clearer picture of the current state of fundraising.

29 April, 2019


The Bristol Older People's Funding Alliance is offering increased funds in 2019 for organisations that support older people in the city. Grants of up to £15,000 are available.

The Alliance consists of The Anchor Society, Bristol Ageing Better, The Dolphin Society, The Grateful Society, John James Bristol Foundation, Quartet Community Foundation, The Society of Merchant Venturers and the St Monica Trust. 

Grants can be used to:

Prayers in mosque place of worship grant
24 April, 2019


The Home Office's Places of Worship Protective Security Scheme will open for the latest round of applications in July. This will provide grants to places of worship for increased security measures and protection against hate crimes - for example, installing lights, CCTV and alarms.

A £1.6 million investment into the scheme was announced in light of the horrific terrorist attacks on mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. Since the scheme began in 2016, 134 religious sites have received grants, totalling £1.5 million. 

11 April, 2019


Grants are available from the Inspire Fund for projects that engage the public in dementia awareness, research and challenging misconceptions about dementia. Three tiers of funding are on offer: bronze (up to £5,000), silver (up to £15,000) and gold (up to £30,000). Silver and gold tiered grants require more evidence from organisations. 

Projects can be imaginative and varied, such as:

Allen Lane Foundation grants logo
9 April, 2019


Allen Lane Foundation is particularly concerned about divisions in communities that occurred around the 2016 Referendum and subsequently. The Social Cohesion programme will look to support grassroots organisations at a very local level where there are issues which identify marginalised groups of people (especially those from within the Foundation’s priorities, but not exclusively) who are excluded. Project applications should seek to propose ways to make communities more inclusive for the betterment of all.

A business plan that people want to buy into

Is your business plan inward-looking or outward-focused? Does it explain what you do internally so it's clear to the team, or the impact you create in the community so it's clear to investors and funders? (Or both?)

Is it ambitious but not unrealistic? Is it practical but not pedestrian?

This session will focus on what an investable business plan really looks like.

(Further details to follow.)

Thursday, 19 September, 2019 - 10:00 to 12:30
1 April, 2019


The Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales has launched a report outlining five things which it has learned about capacity building.

The report, 5 Years of Funder Plus, 5 Things We’ve Learned, is aimed at funders, infrastructure bodies and a range of providers of infrastructure support.

Voscur's 2020 project is bringing together organisations like yours from around the city to learn and grow together. We’ll be providing free training and one-to-one support to enable you to assess your development needs, produce an excellent business-plan and benefit from new income sources. We’re also building up a network that will give you the chance to share your experiences, challenges and solutions with organisations from other neighbourhoods working towards similar goals.

You can read more about the project here.

Tuesday, 5 March, 2019 - 10:00 to 12:00


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