Accounting audit Charity Commission
29 August, 2019


In a sample of 296 charities’ accounts, the Charity Commission found that 46% failed to meet the benchmark of auditing standards.

20 August, 2019

Bristol City Council is holding information sessions for its arts and culture Originators Fund – the annual funding stream managed by the Arts & Events team.

The sessions will take place on 16th September 2019 at Mshed, Bristol and will launch Originators Funding for 2020-21.

Community Business Bright Ideas Fund
7 August, 2019


The Community Business Bright Ideas Fund is now open for new community groups, registered charities and CICs in England that want to become a business or are already operating as a business. Small grants of up to £15,000 are provided by Power to Change; 150 community businesses have been awarded funding since 2016.

Examples of previously funded businesses include:

Gift Aid Small Donations
6 August, 2019


Earlier this year, the government released Gift Aid statistics, revealing that the amount paid out on the scheme had increased to a record £1.35 billion, up from £90 million – an increase of 7%.

In particular, the Small Donations Scheme (GASDS) has seen a 33% increase in the amount of money claimed.


Earlier this year, the government released Gift Aid statistics, revealing that the amount paid out on the scheme had increased to a record £1.35 billion, up from £90 million – an increase of 7%.

In particular, the Small Donations Scheme (GASDS) has seen a 33% increase in the amount of money claimed.

Instagram donation sticker launches in UK
1 August, 2019


Following a successful trial in the USA, Instagram has rolled out a new charity donation sticker which UK users of the social media platform can add to their Instagram Stories.

The electronic sticker acts like a ‘donate’ button, directing people to donate to a charity or non-profit of the Instagram user’s choice. UK charities can register to be added to the list of organisations that Instagram donors choose from. 100% of the donation goes to the organisation.

31 July, 2019


Charities and not for profit organisations such as co-operatives, parish and town councils can apply for grants of up to £350,000 for the repair, restoration and adaptation of a heritage building located in a high street or town centre and to bring it back into use.

The funding is being made available through the Architectural Heritage Fund’s Transformational Project Grants.

Activities in Bristol celebrating older people - Celebrating Age Festival
31 July, 2019


Funding of up to £250 is available to community groups and organisations who want to run activities celebrating older people, as part of the Celebrating Age Festival this October.

Your group or organisation may not necessarily focus on older people already - if this is your current focus, your activity must go beyond your usual work to be eligible, such as providing live music after a lunch club. You must also have a BS (Bristol) postcode.

The funding, called 'Above and Beyond', is provided by Age UK Bristol and St. Monica Trust.

30 July, 2019


Community organisations across England looking to improve spaces where people can connect and co-operate can now apply for grants of up to £50,000 from Space to Connect – a £1.6 million partnership between the Co-op Foundation and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

Co-op Community Fund
24 July, 2019


The next round of the Co-op Local Community Fund is available for applications from causes that support Co-op's values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. Priority is given to local charities and other voluntary organisations with an income of less than £1 million per year.


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