13 February, 2023

The Energy Affordability Fund works with organisations that support people struggling to pay their heating bills and living in a cold home. Applications are open, and they close on 27 March 2023. 

Administered by the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) on behalf of National Grid, the Energy Affordability Fund offers grants to help to improve local services focused on supporting people with energy issues – like expensive bills or energy.  Find out more https://www.cse.org.uk/projects/view/1402


13 February, 2023

UK Youth and Pears Foundation have launched a Cost of Living unrestricted grant programme to support youth organisations delivering high quality youth provision whose work is being hindered, curtailed or cut back due to rising core costs or a need to address unprecedented demand. It's open to organisations with a turnover of less than £500,000 and grants will approximate to 10% of turnover. 

25 January, 2023

People’s Health Trust’s Active Communities funding programme is opening for applications on Wednesday 8th February 2023 for organisations working in Bristol - until 1pm on Wednesday 8th March. Please feel free to share details of this funding opportunity with local groups and networks.


Groups can find more information and the online application here: https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/apply-for-funding

25 January, 2023

New grants have been launched by Sustain as part of the Food for the Planet project. The grants aim to support communities to campaign and advocate to make food in their area better for people and the planet. Applicants are encouraged to propose their own ideas for great local action, but should focus on areas that have a big impact locally, for example:

9 November, 2022

The Garfield Weston Foundation’s Regular Grants programme awards grants to UK registered charities, CIOs, organisations that are either exempt under the Charity Commission guidelines or are registered charities or housing associations with activity in the following areas of:

9 November, 2022

The Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation is an independent grant-making charity. Funds are given to charities registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales within a set of carefully considered guidelines. They do not support individuals or overseas projects.

Grants are awarded to those specifically applying for assistance towards a capital project: new build, major refurbishment, equipment or transport. Please note that only fund capital projects and running costs which include salaries, are not funded.

9 November, 2022

The Antony Hornby Charitable Trust makes general charitable donations to organisations working in the following causes:

  • education, training and employment;
  • medical, health and sickness;
  • Arts and culture;
  • animals and environment; and
  • community development.

Grants are typically around £1,000 and rarely over £5,000, however no maximum amount you can apply for is stipulated.

Deadline: Continuous rolling programme.

1 November, 2022

The Matthew Good Foundation’s Grants for Good supports small, local community groups, charities, voluntary groups or social enterprises from across the UK with an annual income under £50,000 that have a positive impact on communities, people or the environment.

1 November, 2022

The Ocado Foundation, the charitable arm of Ocado Group, supports charities, CICs and community projects by awarding small grants of up to £1,000, donating certain goods and by offering volunteer help (currently, due to Covid-19, only requests for digital volunteering can be accepted).

The Foundation focuses their efforts in three core areas:

13 October, 2022

Localgiving has teamed up with National Grid Electricity Distribution to tackle fuel poverty this winter. They are distributing grants of up to £10,000 to non-profits and local authorities who are working on this theme. There is £2.5million worth of grants available until 31st of October and the application process is very simple.




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