28 January, 2020


The NCVO has launched a new report, The Road Ahead 2020, which reviews how the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector operates, and identifies areas for improvement.


The course will provide participants with the knowledge and skills to write a small funding application.

 What is the course about?

It can be hard to get funding for your group, and even small bids present a challenge if you aren’t sure of the right approach. This workshop will take you through the basics, from identifying the right opportunity to receiving a grant.


Here are some testimonials from people who have taken the course:

Friday, 3 April, 2020 - 14:00 to 16:00


This course will give you an introduction to the basics around financial management for charities (legal requirements, SORP, best practice management reporting). You'll be led by an expert in charity finance and accounting, who can show you the ropes in just half a day.

Thursday, 26 March, 2020 - 09:45 to 13:30

Bristol has declared a Climate Crisis and has committed to being carbon neutral by 2030. This will mean everyone in Bristol making a change and not just continuing with ‘business as usual’.

This course will help you identify why you need to change, and how you can lower your carbon footprint and adapt to a carbon neutral local economy, becoming a sustainable organisation for your service users. 

This course will cover:

Wednesday, 12 February, 2020 - 10:00 to 13:00
Women's issues in Bristol
16 December, 2019


Bristol Women’s Voice is speaking to women across Bristol to find out what issues they face and what ideas they have for change.

The City Listening Project will seek to capture the voices of women who are rarely heard through discussion groups, one-to-one interviews and interactive pop-ups.

Community Asset Transfer of public toilets
25 November, 2019


A block of disused public toilets in Avonmouth is available for Community Asset Transfer (CAT) bids, where community groups have the chance to manage and run a property to benefit local people.

The toilet building, at the edge of Avonmouth Park on Avonmouth Road, is a single-storey unit with a tiled roof, built some time between 1905 and 1910. It has been vacant since 2005, and the freehold is owned by Bristol City Council.

24 October, 2019


The 2019-20 Voscurs, Bristol’s social impact awards, are now open for nominations.

This is your chance to nominate a group or individual for their hard work since January 2019. There are seven categories, each highlighting a particular strength of the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector in Bristol.

16 October, 2019


This month saw the first Queen’s Speech since June 2017.

Officially, the occasion is used to set out government proposals for the upcoming parliamentary term.

However, with political turmoil potentially resulting in the speech being rejected by parliament and a general election looking probable, it seems unlikely that the proposals will be enacted during this parliament.


NCVO has launched a range of safeguarding resources to help organisations keep donors, service users, staff and volunteers safe. The resources, as part of NCVO Knowhow, include details of safeguarding policies and procedures, checklists, frameworks, and advice on whistleblowing and reporting abuse. 

St. Paul's Learning Centre Bristol
3 September, 2019


Clare Daley, Voscur’s Community Outreach Coordinator, will run a series of drop-in sessions around Bristol for new and local community groups – three will be held in East and Central Bristol, three in South Bristol, and four in North Bristol.

The sessions, which take place from September to November, help local groups with small budgets or small teams discover available support and resources.


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