What's the right impact measurement tool for you?


Measuring the impact of our work is not always easy but it can help us make an even bigger difference to the communities we work for, and put us in a stronger position when applying for future funding or promoting our services to new clients and partners.


A guide to planning the targets you will achieve through your project and how you will monitor and evaluate. Particularly useful when you are planning an application.


Monitoring and evaluation process assessment

This self assessment exercise can be used to identify what your group is doing well and any areas for improvement in relation to monitoring and evaluation processes.




Understanding Baseline Standards

A tool that offers an explanation and checkist to understand whether your organisation meets Bristol City Council's 12 baseline standards.

Many charities are now asking ‘is social enterprise for us?’ This guide from Social Enterprise UK is designed to help them think through this question, and answer it. It is aimed at charity leaders, senior managers and trustees to help them understand what the transition to social enterprise might mean for them.


Bristol City Council lease more than 150 of properties to voluntary and community organisations, often at reduced or minimal rents, or preferential terms. These arrangements range from short-term licences to long leases and this process is known as ‘Community Asset Transfer’ (CAT).

A practical guide to producing a SWOT analysis.


This document tells you what organisations need to think about when developing a Fundraising strategy.

Voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations will have the ability to improve their performance and sustainability, thanks to two new online tools supported by the Big Lottery Fund. Learning from both will be evaluated to share with the sector.



This advice sheet gives a full timetable for the Community Asset Transfer Process, covers all aspects of eligibility and gives an overview of what the Business Case needs to cover, along with a list of links to further information and advice.


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