Charity Finance Group Social Care Conference 2021

4 May, 2021 - 21:11


(Advertorial content created by Charity Finance Group, for Voscur)

Charity Finance Group: Social Care Conference 2021


Voscur’s response to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities report

28 April, 2021 - 17:26


Following the murder of George Floyd whilst in police custody in the United States and Black Lives Matter demonstrations in the UK and around the world, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson set up the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities, promising the Commission would set out a “new...

Rail of clothing on bamboo hangers in clothes shop

Sustainable Fashion Week is coming: How to get your organisation involved

28 April, 2021 - 16:01


Sustainable Fashion Week is coming in September, and your organisation could be a part of this Bristol-based, national initiative that celebrates recycling, reusing and sharing clothes. Whether your organisation has a charity shop, an eBay store, a craft club, or appeals for clothing...

Voscur and the Bristol Mayoral Election

22 April, 2021 - 16:28


Voscur has received a number of erroneous complaints about alleged support for one of the candidates in this year's mayoral elections.

The complaints relate to an endorsement made by an ex-Voscur member...

How did the candidates for Bristol Mayor respond to our list of pledges?

22 April, 2021 - 10:44


On 6 May, everyone over the age of 18 who lives in Bristol will be able to vote for the city's next mayor. Also on this date, you can place your vote for the city's councillors, the West of England mayor, and the Avon & Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner.

Working with...

Coordination in Place: New report on local collaboration, from NPC

20 April, 2021 - 09:29


New Philanthropy Capital (known as NPC) has published a new report about place-based (geographical) collaboration, called Coordination in Place, to examine how attitudes...

Bikes on Sheffield-style black bicycle stand at Letterpress Collective in Bristol, by Life Cycle UK charity

Life Cycle UK offers free cycle parking for Bristol VCSE organisations

7 April, 2021 - 12:19


Advertorial content created by Life Cycle UK, for Voscur

Local charity and Voscur member Life Cycle UK is offering free cycle stands to voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations in Bristol, thanks to funding from the Megawatt...

Bristol’s mayoral election: What can the winning candidate deliver for the sector?

29 March, 2021 - 13:53


Bristolians will be able to vote in a number of elections on 6 May, using their cross to decide who they think should represent them for city mayor, West of England Combined Authority (‘Metro’) mayor, Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner, and on Bristol City Council as their...


Bristol One City Leaders Group responds to disorder in the city

25 March, 2021 - 18:55


Members of Bristol City Leaders group today (25 March 2021) issued a statement in response to disturbances in the city:

“As individuals who live and work in Bristol and...

Bristol's Commission on Race Equality responds to racist attacks on the Mayor and Deputy Mayor

24 March, 2021 - 19:16


Professor Olivette Otele has led the Bristol's Commission on Race Equality's response to the rise in racist attacks directed at Mayor Marvin Rees and Deputy Mayor Asher Craig, since the Council...
