People's Postcode Lottery Funding Opportunity

4 October, 2021 - 09:54

A new funding opportunity ...

2021 UK Civil Society Almanac now published

1 October, 2021 - 09:31

Did you know there are 163,150 voluntary organisations in the UK? Or that 16.3 million people volunteered their time ...

Food justice: a citywide partnership

29 September, 2021 - 13:02

One of the inequalities that COVID has shone a light on locally is also one of the most basic: access to food.

Over the past 18 months, a wide range of groups and organisations have contributed to the city’s food response during the...

Charity finances have taken big hit but public support has risen during the pandemic

27 September, 2021 - 11:13

The Charity Commission has found that the pro...

What's the VCSE sector worth? Possibly more than we thought

22 September, 2021 - 15:10

Recent research suggests that charities and community groups could be worth more than previously thought to their local and regional economies.

Analysis by Durham...

Covid-19 - what has your organisation done differently?

22 September, 2021 - 10:26

Voscur is working with researchers from the University of Bristol to investigate how the city’s VCSE sector has adapted during the pandemic. The research is looking at a number of areas that have often been severely disrupted, and we would value your contribution as part of this.


New government appointment will oversee significant changes for the charity sector

22 September, 2021 - 10:13

Nadine Dorries has replaced Oliver Dowden as secretary of state for digital, culture, media, and sport, news that will impact on several important areas for the VCSE sector. Also part of the prime minister’s latest reshuffle was Baroness Barran’s move from minister for civil society within the...

Community Carbon Footprints used to support Climate Action

15 September, 2021 - 14:58

"I can't do anything to make a difference with climate change. I'm just one person."

It's a common phrase and in many ways very true. But once people come together in neighbourhoods and communities and really understand how their individual and...
