15 December, 2021

The Big Give has launched a new match funding campaign to support charities working to improve the lives of vulnerable, disadvantaged or underrepresented women and girls in England and Scotland. The Women and Girls Match Fund will make up to £25,000 of match funding available to charities that are led by and for women and girls. The closing date for applying for match funding is the 11th January 2021.

15 December, 2021

The VINCI UK Foundation will be inviting charities and other not-for-profit organisations across the UK and Republic of Ireland to apply for grants that will help them improve access to employment, mobility and housing for people suffering from social exclusion. Grants may be used to purchase, upgrade or refurbish transport, equipment, ICT, tools, furniture and facilities for long-lasting projects costing up to £100,000 which help charities to alleviate social exclusion and strengthen communities.

15 December, 2021

Not-for-profit organisations across the UK can apply for grants of between £3,000 and £5 million from the National Lottery Heritage Fund for projects connecting people and communities to UK heritage. As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic the National Heritage Fund will prioritise heritage projects that promote inclusion and involve a wider range of people; boost the local economy ; encourage skills development and job creation; support wellbeing; create better places to live, work and visit; and improve the resilience of organisations working in heritage.

8 December, 2021

The government has launched a to help suicide prevention services meet increased demand from the Covid-19 pandemic.

8 December, 2021

The Weavers' Company, has announced that the next closing date for its grants programme is the 17th March 2022.

Small, registered charities can apply for grants of up to £15,000 for projects:

8 December, 2021

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’s Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage: Emergency Resource Support has re-opened to help heritage organisations at imminent risk of closure return to financial viability. This round will provide funding of between £10,000 and £1 million to help organisations and businesses that own, work with or manage heritage in England which face collapse within twelve weeks of their application date.

8 December, 2021

The Hubbub Foundation, in partnership with the Co-op, has re-opened the Co-op Community Fridge Fund to build on their existing network of Community Fridges around the UK. Grants of £4,000 are available to support an additional one hundred not-for-profit organisations across the UK to establish new Community Fridge projects and help redistribute surplus fresh food within deprived communities. Donations are provided by local food businesses, producers, households and gardens, saving food from going to waste and bringing people together.

29 November, 2021

Grants of up to £25,000 are available to charities, not for profit organisations and schools, etc across England and Wales for projects which raise awareness and increase understanding about toxic relationships amongst girls, young women and non-binary people aged 13-24. The funding is being made available through “Your Best Friend” project and will support activities such as poster campaigns, writing and performing a play or song, running an event, or setting up, or adapting a peer support group in a youth club or school.

29 November, 2021

Two-year grants of up to £40,000 are available From Rosa to specialised organisations in the UK that are led by and for Black and minoritised women and girls. The funding is for organisational development work relating to areas such as strategy, governance, leadership, alliances and partnerships, funding, demonstrating impact and systems and processes and is available to organisations that have been established for three years or more, and which have an average income of less than £100,000 per year.

29 November, 2021

Power to Change has teamed up with Crowdfunder to launch Community Business Crowdmatch to support new or existing community businesses. Crowdmatch will match fund each £1 raised by community businesses to a maximum of £10,000. This could include launching new business ideas to help your local area; to help meet increased demand; save a community space; or help bridge a funding gap.


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