Voscur Event

The Volunteer Organisers' Forum is used to promote and share best practice for those managing or coordinating volunteers.  We meet quarterly to discuss a variety of issues relevant to volunteering such as volunteer recruitment, employability, DBS checks, volunteer retention, thank you events, welfare reform impacts, volunteers and the law amongst others.  
This forum, we will be talking about:
  • How we can make Bristol dementia friendly - presentation by Tony Hall, Bristol Dementia Action Alliance
Wednesday, 26 April, 2017 - 13:00 to 16:00

The aim of this course is to support practitioners and managers working in (often non-clinical) children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing settings to understand outcomes focused practice and why it is important for their organisation. Participants will understand the benefits of implementing an outcomes approach and how this could be developed at their organisation. Part of the session will cover practical aspects of choosing and using outcome and feedback measures. Participants will also be aware of the types of CORC support available and how to access this support.

Wednesday, 24 May, 2017 - 13:00 to 15:00


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