Are you looking to shape local decision-making? You can do so by participating in one of our voice and influence networks - information on these, included how to get involved, are listed below:


Communities of Place

What it is: The Communities of Place Network (CoP), led by Voscur, is a voice and influence network, aiming to build and strengthen the collective voice of VCSE sector organisations working within defined geographic areas. The network is working towards having a collective and unified response to policies impacting the sector, building on the work of the Community Asset Transfer Manifesto, and advocating for community organisations to be embedded in and at the forefront of place-based decision-making structures. 

Who is it for: Organisations and groups in Bristol’s Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector who work in a fixed community space, or serve a particular neighbourhood within Bristol. 

Communities of Practice

What it is: A network working towards a unified voice to respond to and shape policies impacting the VCSE sector, focusing particularly on commissioning structures. 

Who is it for: Senior voices in Bristol’s Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector, representing those who work in defined areas of practice – such as health and social care, advice, children and young people’s services, or community transport.  

Communities for Equalities

What it is: The Communities for Equalities Network (C4E), developed by Voscur and Stand Against Racism and Inequality (SARI), and facilitated by Voscur, is a peer and strategic network. The network’s development was informed in part by the “Designing a New Social Reality” report, published by Black South West Network in 2021. The networking is working to build and strengthen the collective voice of equalities organisations, ensuring representation and consideration in decision-making, as well as pushing for equalities to be front and centre of initiatives in Bristol 

Who is it for: Organisations and groups in Bristol’s Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector who work to support equalities communities, and/or who are themselves equalities-led.  


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