Wessex Water - Avonmouth and Shirehampton grants

12 July, 2024

This grant programme aims to support projects and activities that improve the lives of the residents living in the Avonmouth and Lawrence Weston Ward, including the area of Shirehampton. See a map in the guidelines for the area covered by this programme.

Priorities for funding will be projects and activities that aim to achieve any of the following:

  • Improve availability of activities and support for young people 11+
  • Increase opportunities for improving health and well-being, including access to the natural environment
  • Improve access to job-related skills and training  

What you can apply for

A grant can be towards any reasonable costs for your organisation or project including:

  • Running costs such as salaries
  • Core costs for key activities
  • Project and activity costs
  • Cost of kit or equipment

Maximum awarded will be £5,000 for projects or activities covering up to one year; or £10,000 for projects or activities covering two years

Closing date 22nd July.

To find out more, click here

Core Category: