Healthcare services BNSSG

Three local healthcare services to be transferred from Bristol Community Health

10 September, 2019 - 17:26


Bristol Community Health is a not-for-profit social enterprise delivering NHS community healthcare services. It has just announced changes to three local health services.

Healthcare in five South West...

Women in social enterprise awards

Nominations open for the NatWest WISE100, celebrating women in social enterprise

5 September, 2019 - 16:40


The NatWest WISE100, which promotes women in social enterprise, and people of any gender who champion women, is open for nominations.

Being listed in the top 100 means national recognition for their work...

Marketing awareness campaigns

Upcoming awareness days and weeks for your marketing campaigns

4 September, 2019 - 17:38


Ahead of next week's half-day course on...

St. Paul's Learning Centre Bristol

Drop-in sessions for new and local community groups in Bristol

3 September, 2019 - 16:28


Clare Daley, Voscur’s Community Outreach Coordinator, will run a series of drop-in sessions around Bristol for new and local community groups – three will be held in East and Central Bristol, three in South Bristol, and four in North Bristol. ...

Equality Act consultation could have extensive implications for VCSE sector

2 September, 2019 - 14:01


A new government consultation on sexual harassment in the workplace could have wide-ranging implications for VCSE organisations.


Accounting audit Charity Commission

Nearly half of charity accounts fall below auditing standards, says Charity Commission

29 August, 2019 - 11:30


In a sample of 296 charities’ accounts, the Charity Commission found that 46% failed to meet the...

Arts organisations report

Report on the value of arts and culture in building communities

23 August, 2019 - 15:13


Arts Council England has released a report on the value of arts and culture in place-shaping, which has demonstrated that arts and culture can help build communities and increase wellbeing.


Consultation: Sex establishments in Bristol

19 August, 2019 - 14:47


Bristol City Council is reviewing its Sex Establishment Policy which set out the Council’s policy for licensing and regulating sex establishments. The draft policy has been expanded to cover all...

City Listening Project launch by Bristol Women's Voice

Bristol Women’s Voice launches City Listening Project

15 August, 2019 - 12:52


Bristol Women’s Voice (BWV) has been chosen to lead a transformative project with UK government funding from the Equalities Office, giving a voice to 400 women currently out of work in Bristol. ...

Fundraising Regulator updates levy rules

13 August, 2019 - 14:54


Charities with fundraising costs of more than £100,000 are being reminded to pay the annual Fundraising Regulator levy.

The period for this payment runs between September 2019 to 31 August 2020 and how much an organisation...
