Finance pound coins

Special offer for new CFG members when you join this September

8 September, 2020 - 12:03


Advertorial content created by CFG, for Voscur

The coronavirus pandemic in 2020 has affected non-profit...

Mental health online learning

Free mental health courses for VCSE sector workers, from Thrive Bristol

7 September, 2020 - 15:43


Thrive Bristol is offering a range of free mental health courses, delivered online, to people who work or volunteer in the city's Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector. The courses focus on general wellbeing, principles of mental health, resilience, suicide awareness...

Bristol Hub volunteers offering consultancy support for VCSE organisations

2 September, 2020 - 16:43


University of Bristol student volunteering support centre, Bristol Hub, wants to hear from charities and community groups that could benefit from a new programme that provides pro-bono consultancy for voluntary organisations....

Blog: Online training with Voscur during COVID-19

2 September, 2020 - 15:51


Blog written by Maria Franchi, Training and Development Officer at Voscur

Voscur is proud of its...

Centrespace Gallery Bristol

Have your say: Does Bristol work for you?

2 September, 2020 - 15:47


Voscur is asking citizens across the Bristol area to tell us whether the city works for them.

We've partnered with community organisations across Bristol, as well as the city council, and the University...

NLCF emergency charity funding awards exceed £140m 

1 September, 2020 - 11:20


The National Lottery Community Fund (NLCF) has so far made awards worth a combined total of £140.8 million to communities that need support during the coronavirus crisis. 

The funding is part of the £750 million of the emergency coronavirus support fund that was announced by UK...

Community farm chicks

Opportunity for Community Asset Transfer: Hartcliffe Community Farm

27 August, 2020 - 09:59


Hartcliffe Community Farm, an 11-acre site in BS13, is available for Community Asset Transfer (CAT) bids, giving community organisations the chance to manage and run the farm buildings, allotments and land as a community hub.

Bristol City Council is looking for groups and...

Trustee and board diversity

Potential charity trustees put off by ‘experience and expectation of racism’, says report

26 August, 2020 - 14:24


A report into the barriers facing potential new trustees found that young people were put off applying to join charity boards by an “experience and expectation of racism” and the perception of board membership as “a club filled with old white men”. ...

Charity donation tin

Which factors make you more likely to donate to charity? Age, religion and gender, but not disposable income, says YouGov

17 August, 2020 - 17:01


YouGov profiling has revealed the factors that make people more likely to donate to charity and, whilst age, religion and gender all play a part, the amount of disposable income does not.

This means having a higher amount...

Have your say on Bristol’s COVID-19 recovery

11 August, 2020 - 11:42


Bristol City Council has launched a new survey, giving citizens the opportunity to help shape the future of the city as it rebuilds following lockdown and adapts to the challenges posed by COVID-19.

