
Age UK South Gloucestershire
Closing Date: 
Thursday, 1 August, 2024 - 14:45
Contract Type: 
1hr per week
Contract Details: 
South Gloucestershire
Details of Role: 

Did you know that 1.2 million older people are chronically lonely, and in South Gloucestershire, we have over 150 people waiting for a volunteer to visit? You can do something to help by becoming a Befriender with Age UK South Gloucestershire.

Befriending volunteers get matched with an older person in the community. They visit them or give them a call for around 1hr each week to provide companionship. 

What you will get out of it:

- It's a great way to make a real difference in someone's life

- You'll be giving something to your community

- You get to be part of Age UK South Gloucestershire's friendly volunteer team

- Volunteers tell us they find befriending extremely rewarding

The hours are completely flexible around your existing commitments - no experience is necessary as we will provide induction, training and ongoing support. All volunteers require a DBS check and references. 

We have people waiting for a Befriender across South Gloucestershire, with a particular need in Kingswood and Yate. 

How to Apply: 

If you would like more information about the role, or would like an application form, please contact Amanda Sweetland at or on 01454 411 707 opt.2

Contact Person: 
Amanda Sweetland
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
01454 411 707
Postal Address: 
Age UK South Gloucestershire, 67 High Street, Thornbury, BS35 2AW