FAB Chess Club Host volunteer

Age UK Bristol
Closing Date: 
Monday, 22 July, 2024 - 13:15
Contract Type: 
Details of Role: 



At Age UK Bristol we help make sure that everyone in Bristol can love later life. We do this by supporting and empowering older people, helping other organisations to work together, and championing the interests of older people in the city.


Our organisational objectives are to:


  • Provide top-quality services and support to all older people in Bristol.
  • Lead and enable collaboration between other organisations working with older people in Bristol
  • Influence public spending and policies in a way that benefits older people in the city
  • Promote positive attitudes to ageing in Bristol


We do this by:

  • Providing quality information
  • Delivering quality services
  • Involving older people
  • Giving older people a voice
  • Working in partnership
  • Maintaining an effective organisation


Volunteers are important and valued members of the team at Age UK Bristol. We will do our best to make your volunteer experience enjoyable and rewarding.



What is Friends Ageing Better?


Friends Ageing Better (FAB) is a community of older people share what is happening in the city while building relationships with like-minded people who live locally and enjoy special events and discounts.


FAB runs FAB Cafes which are informal regular meet-ups for members, as well as other events and regular activities happening across Bristol, from Southmead to Southville and from Redfield to Redland.




Purpose of the FAB Chess Club Host Volunteer


Friends Ageing Better is recruiting friendly hosts to support our FAB Chess Club. Our FAB Chess Club is a weekly opportunity for people over 50s to reconnect with chess through learning how to play chess and challenging each other.


This is a varied role and can involve:


  • Welcoming new older people joining the FAB Chess Club
  • Supporting older people to play chess, teaching basic moves and rules
  • Promoting the FAB Chess Club in your area
  • Keeping sign-up sheets for attendees at the club
  • Promoting FAB membership
  • Providing information about events and activities happening in the local area with the support of the FAB team
  • Adhering to all Age UK Bristol policies and procedures, such as Confidentiality, Health and Safety and Equal Opportunities.
  • Attending training sessions and volunteer meetings as appropriate.


The qualities and skills required for this role are


  • Welcoming and friendly disposition
  • Interest in chess, basic knowledge of the rules
  • Good communication skills
  • Good knowledge of your local area not essential but desirable
  • IT literacy is not essential but desirable
  • An understanding of the needs of older people




2 Hours. Thursdays 10am-12pm




We offer induction training and other relevant training opportunities to enable you to fulfil this volunteer role.




148 East St, Bedminster, Bristol BS3 4EW




Age UK Bristol will pay reasonable travel expenses. We will cover your expenditure at the café within reason (not applicable to alcoholic drinks).  


Further Information


For further information, please contact;

Silvia Jimenez Cruz – FAB Coordinator


How to Apply: 

You can apply here - https://www.ageuk.org.uk/bristol/get-involved/volunteer-with-us/fab-ches... or you can download an application from this Voscur webpage. Return completed applications to volunteering@ageukbristol.org.uk