Ahead of World Religion Day (17 January 2021), trustees of religious organisations and faith-based charities are invited to join the Small Charities Coalition's online meeting.

This is a chance for you to come together in a safe virtual space with likeminded trustees, and talk about issues linked to access, equality, funding, governance, and public perception.

The session will be facilitated by Rita Chadha, Chief Executive of the Small Charities Coalition.

Saturday, 16 January, 2021 - 10:00 to 11:00
Arrows on staircase pointing in different directions
25 November, 2020
Clare Daley Voscur

Blog written by Clare Daley, Community Outreach Coordinator at Voscur

The local response from new and existing community groups and volunteers across Bristol to the coronavirus pandemic and resulting lockdowns was both incredible and inspiring.

Community is strength word-based poster on fence
16 November, 2020

Following an initial update from the Office for Civil Society in early November, the government has issued new and detailed guidance on safe and effective volunteering in England during the coronavirus pandemic

3 November, 2020


The Office for Civil Society (part of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport) has issued new guidance on volunteering during the second lockdown in England, which is set to last from Thursday 5 November until at least Wednesday 2 December 2020.

Online peer support network meeting using Zoom
2 November, 2020


Voscur has launched two online peer networks for local people in the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE sector), helping them share ideas and insight, look for solutions to problems, and connect with others in an informal setting.


This one-hour event is the first in a series of webinars to support trustees, and people thinking about becoming trustees, particularly legal professionals. 

The session will focus on what being a trustee involves, why trustees are important in communities, and how to find the right trustee role.

You will hear from a range of local organisations, including:

Monday, 21 September, 2020 - 13:00 to 14:00


The #NeverMoreNeeded social media campaign, which raises awareness of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector in light of coronavirus, has issued a campaign pack with materials for VCSE organisations to use. 

2 September, 2020


University of Bristol student volunteering support centre, Bristol Hub, wants to hear from charities and community groups that could benefit from a new programme that provides pro-bono consultancy for voluntary organisations.

Trustee and board diversity
26 August, 2020


A report into the barriers facing potential new trustees found that young people were put off applying to join charity boards by an “experience and expectation of racism” and the perception of board membership as “a club filled with old white men”.

Those with trustee experience described “micro aggressions” from other board members towards people of colour, and a sense that being younger meant their opinions were less important than older trustees.


Have you been working in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic? Whether you're a staff member at a community organisation or you're one of the 3,500 volunteers who helped with COVID relief efforts, Bristol City Council's Community Development Team invites you to a city conversation to share your views. 

This event involves looking at current developments on COVID-19, imagining what recovery might look like in the city, and the kind of help your community needs. There will be breakout discussions and networking opportunities.


Friday, 24 July, 2020 - 09:00 to 11:00


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