17 June, 2024

With changes happening at Local Authority level, as well as the upcoming general election, and continuation of the One City approach, there is a lot to take in locally. We have prepared some information and resources in this article to help you get to grips with everything.


New administration at your Local Authority!

15 December, 2023


In March 2023, we launched our inaugural Pulse survey, and between July and October we completed our second iteration of the survey. Your responses were compared with what we found previously, as well as wider findings gathered on a National level.

One of the concerning results was that almost half of VCSE organisations and groups said that they would be forced to put on hold certain services or projects if key challenges were not resolved. 

We have a shortened infographic summary of the results as well as the full written report below:


13 July, 2023

Are you an NCVO member? Remember you only have until mid-day Monday 17th July to vote on trustee elections!

7 July, 2023

In March 2023, we launched our inaugural Pulse survey. Your responses painted a concerning picture for the sustainability and vitality of many third sector organisations in Bristol. 

Since then, we have presented the results to key stakeholders at the One City Gathering. Earlier this year, we also hosted our Cost of Living and Inequalities Conference, bringing together third sector organisations with local funders. The data you provided empowered us to advocate for the sector to decision-making bodies. 

28 June, 2023

Last week marked Small Charity Week, a chance to say thank you for all the small charities that have been working hard to ensure communities are supported, and to raise awareness of the importance of supporting them through donations, fundraising and volunteering.  

15 May, 2023

At the end of March Voscur hosted the Cost of Living and Inequalities Conference, bringing together leading voices from across the city to share insight, understand challenges and plot pathways forwards through the current economic climate.

As a result of this work, a manifesto has been produced - this has been created by voices within the VCSE sector and is designed for those with an active interest in the VCSE sector (funders and commissioners) as well as the communities that the sector serves. 

13 April, 2023

At the end of March Voscur hosted the Cost of Living and Inequalities Conference, bringing together leading voices from across the city to share insight, understand challenges and plot pathways forwards through the current economic climate.

One of the in-progress outcomes from the conference is a manifesto, which will consist of commitments and asks, to be taken to funders and networks to work towards making positive change happen.

21 November, 2022

A decade of austerity has plumetted local authorities into a cost of operating crisis. Councils across the country collectively forecast additional costs of £3.4 billion in 2023/24 to retain services at pre-pandemic levels. Locally, Bristol City Council have forecast a deficit in their budget of between £37.5 million and £87.6 million over the next five years. That we face a challenging economic context is a matter of record, and Voscur supports Bristol City Council as it contends with myriad local, national and international difficulties

17 October, 2022

Today, Monday 17th October, saw new Chancellor Jeremy Hunt attempt to steady the financial markets by reversing £45bn of unfunded tax cuts by £32bn. The price cap for businesses and charities is unchanged: it will last for six months as originally proposed. The support for individual households, however, had been due to last for two years, and will now last until April 2023. 

22 September, 2021

Nadine Dorries has replaced Oliver Dowden as secretary of state for digital, culture, media, and sport, news that will impact on several important areas for the VCSE sector. Also part of the prime minister’s latest reshuffle was Baroness Barran’s move from minister for civil society within the Department of Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) to the Department of Education. After the announcement, Barran was widely praised by charity leaders for her work in the role.


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