Book a 15-minute slot to talk to the Arts & Events team at Bristol City Council to talk about the Originators Fund, which supports events, arts and culture activities in the city from June 2021 - May 2022. 

Grants of £500-5,000 are available, so don't miss out. This is your chance to ask questions about the funding. 


Wednesday, 10 February, 2021 - 15:00 to 16:00
Digital inclusion graphic with hands reaching out from smartphones to connect
9 February, 2021


With the coronavirus pandemic increasing the level of digital inequality across Bristol and beyond, Voscur recently organised and ran a series of digital inclusion meetings for community organisations, city partners and stakeholders working to address the key issue of people being excluded from digital technology.

Man dancing in grey room on pointe
4 February, 2021


The Bristol City Council Originators Fund is now open for applications to support events, arts and cultural activities taking place from June 2021 to May 2022.

Changes have been made since the fund was last open, with improved accessibility, a new application form and guidance, after consultation with a range of local creative groups and individuals. Bristol City Council is particularly keen to hear from groups and individuals who haven't applied before, and it wants to make sure the funding is spread across different areas of the city.


This informal networking session is for groups and individuals interested in applying for Bristol City Council's Originators Fund, which supports events, arts and cultural activities taking place from June 2021 - May 2022. 

Tuesday, 9 February, 2021 - 10:00 to 12:00
2 February, 2021
Mark Hubbard Voscur

Blog written by Mark Hubbard, Development Director at Voscur

It’s great news that the Bristol Impact Fund will continue, especially after the recent challenges for people, communities and organisations due to coronavirus. 

Architectural plan for residential development at former Blake Centre, Lockleaze, Bristol
19 January, 2021


A new residential development is being proposed on the site of the former Blake Centre in Lockleaze, with a mixture of Extra Care Housing for older people with care needs, and housing for younger people.

The consultation period has now begun, with public feedback from the consultation being fed into the outline planning application in March 2021, which will give more information such as the proposed use and height of buildings.

North Bristol Food Bank soup cans in green crate
13 January, 2021


YouGov has revealed detailed data about people who donate to food banks, based on its profiling research.

This helps build a picture of the average donor – their age, work status, location, and level of involvement with charitable organisations. As you might expect, food bank donors tend to be involved in charities or community groups.

Coloured circular string lights on floor with black background
10 December, 2020


Updated 16/12/2020

We asked Voscur members and local organisations to send us details of their Christmas or seasonal campaigns. These ranged from products on sale to fundraising appeals and, of course, ongoing support running throughout the holidays into 2021.

At the end of a very challenging year for the city and the VCSE sector, we hope you will take the time to donate to these campaigns, or help promote them, to raise awareness.

Census 2021 graphic
9 December, 2020


The next census will take place on 21 March 2021, and community engagement is vital to make sure we get accurate results – that’s why local engagement managers want to get in touch with community organisations in Bristol ahead of the day itself.

Arrows on staircase pointing in different directions
25 November, 2020
Clare Daley Voscur

Blog written by Clare Daley, Community Outreach Coordinator at Voscur

The local response from new and existing community groups and volunteers across Bristol to the coronavirus pandemic and resulting lockdowns was both incredible and inspiring.


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