Formal volunteering
30 July, 2019


The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport has released findings from its latest Community Life Survey.

The annual survey provides official statistics on issues that are important to encouraging social action and empowering communities, including volunteering, giving, community engagement, well-being and loneliness.

23 July, 2019


NHS Blood and Transport has funding available for organisations and groups who can promote organ donation in Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities. There are two strands of funding: up to £2,499, and £2,500-10,000.

Mental health services in BNSSG
22 July, 2019


Anyone with experience of accessing mental health services in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire is invited to take part in a survey which will help improve these services in the future.

15 July, 2019

Bristol City Council is consulting on the introduction of a clean air zone (CAZ) to the city.

Two options have been put forward that aim to lower pollution in the shortest possible time. They also aim to minimise any impact for people on lower incomes. The consultation runs for six weeks with the deadline for responses on Monday 12 August 2019.

Mental health in the workplace collaboration meeting
8 July, 2019


A consultant on mentally healthy workplaces has advised charities to work together and share expertise to safeguard staff mental health.

People and Communities
26 June, 2019


Two local community health organisations, Bristol Community Health (BCH) and North Somerset Community Partnership (NSCP), have jointly launched a five-year strategy which includes ‘Sustainable collaboration with the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector’ (VCSE) as one of five objectives.

Loneliness Awareness Week 2019
20 June, 2019

Loneliness Awareness Week, run by Bristol-based charity (and Voscur member) The Marmalade Trust, has been tied to UK-wide loneliness studies and the government’s launch of a Loneliness Strategy and a new campaign.

28 May, 2019

Sector Leader report: Health & Wellbeing Board

Sector Leader: Elaine Flint

Date of meeting: 22 May 2019


Relevant discussions:

This was the first development meeting – an informal meeting which takes place between the formal HWBB ones.

21 May, 2019


Unite has published the findings of a survey revealing an epidemic of stress related illness mental health issues, charities and NGO staff.

The survey found that 80 per cent of respondents had experienced workplace stress in the last 12 months, while 42 per cent of respondents believed their job was not good for their mental health.

21 May, 2019


The Care Quality Commission is consulting on how inspectors can work better with voluntary sector organisations. The survey takes around 5–7 minutes.

This will include what to expect from the CQC and how VCSE organisations should share information with them. The CQC is looking to make changes at local level and is encouraging small and local charities and community groups to take part in the survey.


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