Diversity and inclusion are widely used terms, but they can mean many things - more women, race equality, LGBT representation, people with disabilities, different educational backgrounds - and not everyone is comfortable using these terms in a fundraising or VCSE sector context. 

This webinar asks the question: what are we really talking about when we talk about diversity and inclusion? It will reflect on diversity and inclusion projects and the measures your organisation can take.

Speakers at the webinar are:

Wednesday, 1 July, 2020 - 17:00 to 18:00
5 June, 2020


Barnardos is to launch a new charity partnership to support vulnerable children and young people who are at risk due to COVID-19.

The partnership will be funded using £7 million of the emergency charity sector money allocated to the Department of Education.

See, Hear, Respond will launch on the 15 June and will offer tailored support to children and families to help reduce levels of harm.

This toolkit from the Institute for Fundraising helps fundraisers to consider the environmental impact that decisions made by their organisation may have.

The guide provides tools and tips to raise the issue inside your organisation, as well as advice on the changes you can make to your own work as a fundraiser.

28 May, 2020

The Grant Givers’ Movement (GGM) has published results from its Sector Pulse Survey.

The survey aims to find:

22 May, 2020


The National Lottery Community Fund (NLCF) today opened the £200 million emergency fund to support charities and community groups during the coronavirus pandemic.

You can read the guidance on who is eligible and how to apply here.

21 May, 2020

The government has released an additional £150 million to support charities during the pandemic.

Oliver Dowden MP, Minister for Culture, Media and Sport announced that the additional funding would come from dormant bank and building society accounts and will be used to help charities, social enterprises and vulnerable individuals during the coronavirus outbreak.

21 May, 2020

The Government's new Coronavirus Community Support Fund will open for applications on Friday 22nd May at 10am. £200million of funding will be available primarily for small to medium organisations in England, distributed by The National Lottery Community Fund.

Further details, including how to apply, will be available on The National Lottery Community Fund's funding page on Friday 22nd May at 10am.

The Fund has two key objectives:

20 May, 2020


More information has been made available on how the government’s £750 million package of support for the charity sector is being distributed, as well as how organisations can apply for it.

13 May, 2020


The Charity Commission has published new guidance to examiners urging them to be vigilant for charities misusing funds during the coronavirus pandemic.

Independent examiners review the accounts of those charities with incomes below a quarter of a million.

5 May, 2020

Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP, Secretary of State for International Development has written to organisations delivering aid on behalf of the department to tell them that they could be paid in advance in order to meet ongoing costs.

In the letter, sent earlier this week, Ms Trevelyan also says that payments would continue in order to support “essential aid programmes. In the note, the minister says:


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