Short Breaks Provider Information Event

Tuesday, 4 November, 2014 - 14:00

Bristol City Council (BCC) has recently published a commissioning plan for short breaks for disabled children and their families in Bristol. This plan was developed in consultation with service users and practitioners and was approved by the Mayor on 7 October 2014. The plan sets out the short breaks BCC will jointly fund with the Bristol Clinical Commissioning Group (BCCG) from April 2015.

BCC and BCCG are now holding a Provider Information Event for the following targeted services for disabled children, young people and their families as outlined in the plan (see page 60 section 9.4.1 and page 62 section 9.4.2 of the commissioning plan):
•    Lot B – Weekend, after-school & holiday activities, Befrienders, BME services.
•    Lot C - Residential holidays

The tender for these services will go live and be open for submission of bids on Wednesday 26th November.

For more details please see the attached flyer. To register your place on the day, please visit the following link: