Multi-arts workshops for schools and the public. Typically our workshops are half an hour and music, movement and story based. They are highly inclusive and everyone is encouraged to take part. Feedback from head teachers can be found on our website.
Runs singing festivals for LGBTQ+ choirs and choral groups.
HANDS AROUND THE WORLD (HATW) helps needy vulnerable children around the world, mostly in Africa. 2000 children benefit every day from our work. Many are orphans and/or coping with disabilities. We strive for happy, healthy children who are safe, cared for, listened to, well fed, clothed, housed and in school. We support projects that have been set up by local people in their communities and, as part of this suport, send appropriate, enthusiastic and well-prepared volunteers on short-term... More
Happy City Initiative is about happiness becoming the aim of life across Bristol. It helps us shift from bad news, fear and consumption to celebrating and spreading success and creating caring, connected communities. It brings people, ideas and resources together through events, campaigning and online so happiness flourishes in every corner of the city. Working with people where they live, we help people to direct their attention towards the detail of successful solutions to build on... More
HappyMaps is a single hub of children's mental health information aimed at parents, carers and professionals working with young people.