Youth theatre based in Easton for 6-11 year olds.
Working with local residents to make positive changes in the area. We do this
by bringing residents together with the agencies that make decisions in the
area (e.g. Council, police) to enable residents to influence those decisions.
Also make sure that local people know about decisions that affect them and
how they can get involved, raise issues and bring about change.
The EcoMedia Collective is a Bristol-based community interest company made up of social enterprise and social media professionals who use social media innovation to promote change and broaden positive social outcomes. We help communities, clients and events use SOCIAL BROADCASTING - audio, podcasts,live web broadcasting and mobile friendly media - to reach and engage with more people online and on mobile devices. Our team delivers practical advice, hands-on help and simple, effective, all-in... More
We sell books that promote practical solutions to environmental problems. Please ring for a free catalogue