Voscur’s Kick Start programme provides intensive start-up support to help new organisations and social enterprises get going. The training sessions cover everything from developing your mission and vision, to deciding on your legal structure and theory of change.
Safe Space is a free, independent support group for people who have experienced sexual violence. It was created by survivors - for survivors. Safe Space offers an open, confidential and empowering environment where all forms of support are shaped by survivors’ voices.
A few months after coming up with the idea for Safe Space, founders Meg and Adibah joined Voscur’s Kick Start programme. Kick Start provided a framework for Safe Space to grow and develop. It gave them the tools they needed to channel their passion to change the way survivors are viewed in society into clear goals and plans for the future. Support from other Kick Start participants boosted Meg and Adibah’s confidence and helped them to realise the importance of working in partnership with other organisations.
Since attending Kick Start, Safe Space has gone from strength to strength. Not only have they been successful in securing funding through community crowd-funding, they have also used these platforms to highlight the need for this type of support and how it benefits survivors.
“Kick Start has helped in every way! It has enabled us to decide on our structure and given us the skills and confidence to run Safe Space and move forward.” Safe Space