Common Call’s social investment co-design research project

Image Credit: 
Common Call
13 April, 2022

Common Call is working on the development of a social investment model that benefits underrepresented communities, such as global majority-led, Black-led, and lived experience-led. 

This research project aims to determine the strength of the Pipeline of Black, lived experience and Global Majority led social impact organisations with a view to co-design and develop a social investment funding model that is fit for purpose for underrepresented communities. Common Call are asking organisations to complete their survey to ensure the success of their research project.

Common Call state that one of the most common challenges made to the validity of Black-led, lived experience led and Global Majority led social enterprises and charities in the funding landscape is related to the veracity of financial management and the strength or resiliency of revenue models, and that there is still too little publicly available research to de-risk lived experience leaders as a whole and determine with some finality that there is a social investment pipeline in underrepresented communities.

Complete the survey on Common Call's website. The survey is open until 11:59 pm on April 22, 2022.