There are currently 7 STAR Bereavement Peer Support Groups running across Bristol, North Somerset and South Glos. Each group is run by a team of people who volunteer their time to help others within their community. The STAR Groups offer free support for people grieving from a bereavement or difficult transition in their life. The aim of the support group is to create a safe space for people to receive support, listen to and share stories & experiences with others who have experienced loss in their life.
If you would like to offer a few hours each month to help, in whatever capacity you feel comfortable doing (this could be making teas/coffees, facilitating discussions, setting up the room, welcoming people as they enter the room, doing some administration tasks, delivering leaflets within the community etc etc - the list is endless), please get in contact and I can give you more information.
Contact: Jan Perry on 07595165082 or email: