Funding for learning providers to deliver community courses

Man at front of class with flipchart and handout sheets teaching
Image Credit: 
Thiago Barletta via Unsplash
20 April, 2021


Funding is available from the Community Learning Teams in Bristol and North Somerset (Community Learning West) for learning providers who want to deliver courses locally. These courses must be designed for adults aged 19 years and over who live in Bristol or North Somerset and:

  • Do not have Level 2 qualifications.
  • Are unemployed and receive means-tested benefits.
  • Experience significant barriers to formal education or work. 

Courses would therefore be tailored to their learning levels and needs. They can be targeted at certain geographical areas or at communities of interest, such as ex-offenders, care leavers, homeless people, disabled people, or those from Black, Asian and Other Ethnic Groups.  

Grants of £7,500-15,000 are available for the period of 1 August 2021 - 31 July 2022. The funding comes from a community learning collaboration between Bristol City Council, North Somerset Council, West of England Combined Authority (WECA), the Education & Skills Funding Agency, and Community Learning West.

Download the application form and do read the application guidance before applying.

To discuss your organisation's application, please use the relevant contact for the area you work in:

Applications close at 12pm (midday) on 14 May 2021. 

Core Category: