Could you sponsor a young person to take part in the GAP initiative?

25 July, 2022 - 12:34

The Grassroot Activators Programme (GAP) is a year long initiative taking place within Bristol communities. It's purpose is to raise aspirations and develop pathways to future opportunities for 16-25 year olds from marginalised neighbourhoods across the city.

The hope and plan is that...

Bristol Local Food Fund is now recruiting for their Citizens Panel

20 July, 2022 - 11:08


Bristol Local Food Fund is looking for seven people with lived experience of food insecurity who will decide how £60,000 of funding is given out to community food projects across the city that are at the forefront of tackling this issue.

The Panel will meet in person over five ...

Pay gap between charity and private sector widening 

20 July, 2022 - 10:20


According to Pro Bono Economics (PBE), the fiscal think tank, there is a widening pay gap between earnings in charities and businesses. Although analysis shows that the rate of growth in both sectors isn’t keeping pace with inflation. 

Year-on-year wage growth was up 5.6 per cent...

Consultation on next round of dormant assets funding launched 

20 July, 2022 - 09:54


The government is now consulting on how to distribute approximately £900m from dormant bank accounts. The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sports (DCMS) announced the 12-week public consultation last week and input will help to determine how the next tranche of assets should...

State of the sector: Make your experiences count 

13 July, 2022 - 14:27


Whether your organisation or group is big or small, flourishing or struggling – or just carrying on more or less as normal – Third Sector Trends wants to hear from you. 

More than 3,000 voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations across England and Wales have already...

Voscur's Skills 4 Social Purpose programme - sign up now!

13 July, 2022 - 13:01


VOSCUR has launched the Skills 4 Social Purpose Programme.

This new programme is being delivered in partnership with the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) and a whole host of organisations spanning the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector.


New capital funding for Bristol communities 

13 July, 2022 - 12:09


Bristol City Council has announced a one-off fund of £4 million for organisations working with people in Bristol who belong to communities experiencing the greatest inequality. The council recognises that our diverse communities are underpinned by a network of dedicated VCSE...

Charities and the power dynamic 

6 July, 2022 - 11:45


Dr Javed Khan, former chief executive of Barnardo’s, recently commented that big charities don't do enough to share power with their smaller counterparts. 

Khan commented that what the sector needs to do is recognise that, through partnerships between national and local charities...

The cost of living crisis in Bristol - Voscur's response

4 July, 2022 - 11:15


Voscur statement submitted for Bristol City Council's Full Council meeting, 5th July, 2022

Voscur is the support and development agency for Bristol’s Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector (VCSE). Bristol’s VCSE sector, working with other city partners...

A Celebration Of Refugees In Our City

29 June, 2022 - 15:12


Last week, along with our colleagues Baher and Heather of BRASP (Bristol Refugee and Asylum Seeker Partnership), Voscur celebrated the contribution that refugees and asylum seekers make to Bristol as part of Refugee Week. 

Baher, who is originally from Syria, has volunteered for...
