Are foundations the answer to core funding woes?

24 April, 2019 - 10:03
Jenny Wildblook

Blog written by Jenny Wildblood, Development Officer and Funding Lead at Voscur.


Have your say: Bristol Local Plan

9 April, 2019 - 11:17


Bristol City Council is consulting on draft policies and development allocations for its Local Plan.

The Local Plan includes policies for deciding planning applications in Bristol.


Have your say: draft commissioning plan for adults with support needs

8 April, 2019 - 16:03


Bristol City Council is consulting on the future commissioning of ‘help when people need it’ services.

The council is looking to procure these services for two main groups; those aged 18-64 and those aged 55+, as well as...

One fifth of charities struck by cyber attacks, costing an average £9,470 to fix

5 April, 2019 - 12:32


One fifth of charities have been hit by a cyber attack in the past year, according to the...

Safer Sector Partnership to develop safeguarding resources

3 April, 2019 - 15:26


A coalition of 13 charities, led by NCVO, will be developing a range of new safeguarding resources for VCSE organisations.

The partnership, called the...

Lego bricks to demonstrate capacity building

What is capacity building?

3 April, 2019 - 09:59


Capacity building is the kind of phrase you hear a lot in the VCSE sector, but it can take a while...

Consultation: how is your organisation contributing to Bristol’s future?

2 April, 2019 - 16:01


Voscur is encouraging VCSE organisations in Bristol to take part in a consultation which will help to provide an indication of progress in different social, economic and environmental sustainability factors....

Lloyds Foundation launches capacity building report

1 April, 2019 - 14:13


The Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales has launched a report outlining five things which it has learned about capacity building.

The report,...
