Young Black woman in purple shirt
6 January, 2021


Grants of up to £20,000 are available for Black-led grassroots organisations and projects that remove barriers faced by Black women and girls, and help them progress. 

The money comes from the CROWN UK Fund, created by Dove, and £170,000 will be invested overall. 

Funders are looking for:


Ahead of World Religion Day (17 January 2021), trustees of religious organisations and faith-based charities are invited to join the Small Charities Coalition's online meeting.

This is a chance for you to come together in a safe virtual space with likeminded trustees, and talk about issues linked to access, equality, funding, governance, and public perception.

The session will be facilitated by Rita Chadha, Chief Executive of the Small Charities Coalition.

Saturday, 16 January, 2021 - 10:00 to 11:00
23 December, 2020


17 December, 2020


In the rush before the Christmas holidays and the end of the year, it can be hard for your organisation to keep up with voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector news.

That’s why we’ve summarised the key stories you need to know, whether you’re a charity, a voluntary group, or another organisation that works to improve society and community.

Small Charities Data launches as a digital hub

Online peer support network meeting using Zoom
2 November, 2020


Voscur has launched two online peer networks for local people in the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE sector), helping them share ideas and insight, look for solutions to problems, and connect with others in an informal setting.

Black-led social enterprise
28 September, 2020

As part of a commitment to tackle racial inequality, PwC has launched a small to medium grants programme for social enterprises that are Black-led or charities that benefit ethnic minorities. 

Funding of £2,000-25,000 is available, depending on the scale, activity and impact of your social enterprise or charity's work. 

Centrespace Gallery Bristol
2 September, 2020


Voscur is asking citizens across the Bristol area to tell us whether the city works for them.

We've partnered with community organisations across Bristol, as well as the city council, and the University of Bristol to help develop a better understanding of people’s lives in the city.

Trustee and board diversity
26 August, 2020


A report into the barriers facing potential new trustees found that young people were put off applying to join charity boards by an “experience and expectation of racism” and the perception of board membership as “a club filled with old white men”.

Those with trustee experience described “micro aggressions” from other board members towards people of colour, and a sense that being younger meant their opinions were less important than older trustees.

Virtual meeting collaboration
23 July, 2020


More than 550 Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations and academics have signed an open letter to Research England and to UK national newspapers, calling for a review into VCSE sector engagement with universities in the emerging UK Research & Development (R&D) Roadmap


The Chartered Institute of Fundraising (IoF) has produced a series of recruitment guides to support the fundraising profession and wider VCSE sector in becoming more equal, diverse and inclusive profession.


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